Delta 8 Dosage Guide

Delta Munchies' delta 8 THC products lined up on a purple background.

Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid similar to delta 9 THC, the main psychoactive component in cannabis. However, it is less potent and produces a milder effect. In fact, delta 8 is about half as potent as delta 9. That makes it a popular choice for people who want the benefits of THC without the intense high.

This cannabinoid is most often used for its potential to act as an antiemetic, appetite stimulant, analgesic, and neuroprotectant. Delta 8 can be used in many ways, including smoking, vaping, tinctures, and edibles. Since it’s less potent than delta 9 THC, it’s a good choice for first-time cannabis users or people sensitive to THC. This is why one of the best ways of using delta 8 THC is for relaxation.

But what is the right delta 8 dosage? Well, in this article, we’ll give you a delta 8 dosage guide so you can find the perfect amount for you.


Delta 8 Potency

As mentioned earlier, delta 8 is about half as potent as delta 9 THC. This potency comes from the fact that delta 8 has a lower binding affinity for the CB receptors in our endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is the collection of cell receptors and endogenous (made by the body) ligands that interact with cannabinoids like delta 8. This system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, or balance, in the body.

The CB receptors are found throughout the body but are most concentrated in the brain and central nervous system. There are two main types of CB receptors: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are found mostly in the brain and central nervous system. They’re responsible for the psychoactive effects of THC.

CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system. They’re responsible for the immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids.

The low binding affinity of delta 8 THC is because delta 8 has a double bond in the eighth position, while delta 9 THC has a double bond in the ninth position. This small difference is enough to make delta 8 much less potent than its more famous sibling.


Delta 8 Edible Dosing

Delta 8 edibles are defined as any food or drink that has been infused with delta 8 THC. This can be anything from gummies and brownies to cookies and candy. Delta 8 edibles are a popular way to consume this cannabinoid because they’re easy to make and offer a long-lasting high.

When you consume gummies, brownies, or any other type of delta 8 edible, the THC is absorbed through the digestive system and into the liver. In the liver, THC is metabolized into 11-hydroxy-THC, a more potent form of THC. This process is called first-pass metabolism.

First-pass metabolism means that the THC is metabolized before it enters the bloodstream. This results in a lower bioavailability, or amount of THC that actually makes it into the bloodstream.

The liver metabolizes THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is then broken down by the body and excreted in the urine.

Now that we know how delta 8 edibles work, here are some dosing tips:

Read The Package Dosing Guidelines

Any reputable delta 8 edible manufacturer will have package dosing guidelines. These are based on the amount of delta 8 THC in the product and are a good place to start when finding your perfect dose.

The guidelines include information on how much THC is in each serving and how many servings are in the package. This allows you to tailor your dose to your needs.

For example, if a package of gummies contains 20 gummies and each gummy has 20mg of delta 8 THC, then the total amount of THC in the package is 400mg. This would be considered a high dose and is not recommended. The manufacturer usually recommends a lower dose, such as one or two gummies.

Start Slow and Increase Gradually

If you’re new to delta 8 THC, it’s best to start with a low dose and increase gradually until you find the perfect amount for you. This will help you avoid any unpleasant side effects, such as anxiety or dizziness.

A good starting dose is usually around five to ten mg of delta 8 THC. From there, you can increase the dose by 5-10mg increments until you find the perfect amount.

It’s also important to note that delta 8 gummies can have a delayed onset because they have to be digested as described above. This means it can take up to two hours for you to feel the full effects. Therefore, don’t be tempted to take another dose before the first one has had a chance to kick in.

Listen to Your Body

The most important thing when finding your perfect delta 8 THC dose is to listen to your body. Every person is different and will react differently to cannabinoids. Some people are more sensitive than others and will feel the effects of delta 8 THC at lower doses.

Pay attention to how you feel after taking a dose of delta 8 THC. If you don’t feel anything after giving it the time it needs to kick in, try increasing the dose by a small amount. On the other hand, if you start to feel anxiety or paranoia, it’s best to stop taking delta 8 THC altogether.

It’s also important to note that delta 8 THC can have a cumulative effect. This means that the effects will become more pronounced with each successive dose. Therefore, it’s best to start low and increase gradually until you find the perfect dose for you.

Consider Your Tolerance

One of the things you should never forget when choosing a dose of delta 8 THC is your tolerance. If you’re a regular user you may have a higher tolerance to cannabinoids than someone who is not.

This means you’ll need to take more delta 8 THC to feel the same effects as someone with a lower tolerance. If you are new and you haven’t established your tolerance yet, it’s best to start with about half a gummy or one gummy until you find your sweet spot.

Be Mindful Of Stomach Contents

Your stomach contents should determine the dosage of your delta 8 edibles. A full stomach will result in a slower onset time as the food will need to be digested first. An empty stomach will result in a quicker onset as there is nothing to slow down the absorption of the delta 8 THC.

If you want to feel the effects of delta 8 THC more quickly, it’s best to take your edibles on an empty stomach. However, if you’re prone to anxiety or paranoia, it’s best to take your edibles with food as this will help to reduce the effects.

Also, remember that alcohol can significantly increase THC blood concentration. This means that if you’re taking delta 8 THC edibles, it’s best to avoid alcohol as it can make the effects more intense. However, if you choose to drink, ensure you strike a balance by drinking plenty of water and not overindulging.

Take Delta 8 THC In The Right Setting

Did you know that the place you decide to take delta 8 THC can affect your dosage? Large dosages of delta 8 THC can be overwhelming in a busy and stimulating environment. 

It’s best to take your edibles in a relaxed setting where you feel comfortable and can easily dose yourself. You can take them in the presence of friends or family, or in a social setting like a party.


How Much Delta 8 Edibles Should I Take?

Now that we’ve gone over some general tips for taking delta 8 edibles let’s talk about how much you should take.

5mg – 10mg Edible Dosing

Almost all beginners fall in this category. The best gummies such as our Tropical Punch or Peach Rings have 25-30mg of delta 8 THC. For novices, a whole gummy would be too much. Therefore, start with half or a quarter of the gummy, and increase the dosage as needed.

10mg – 20mg Edible Dosing

This category is for intermediately experienced individuals. Those who have tried delta 8 THC before and know how it affects them can start with a whole gummy or more. For example, if you take one 15mg gummy and feel the effects, you can a 20mg gummy next time.

20mg – 30mg Edible Dosing

This dosage is for delta 8 THC veterans. If you know how much delta 8 THC you can handle, and want a stronger experience, start with a whole gummy or more. Just be careful not to overdo it, as the effects of delta 8 THC can be intense.

30mg – 50mg Edible Dosing

This is a category for individuals with high tolerance levels. Even some experienced individuals may not be able to handle this dosage. Therefore, if you decide to take a gummy with this much delta 8 THC, do it with caution. Start with a half or quarter of the gummy, and increase as needed.

50mg – 100mg+

This range is only for medical patients who have been prescribed delta 8 THC medications by a doctor. This includes those who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, or other conditions that require high doses of delta 8 THC. If you are not a medical patient, do not take edibles with this much delta 8 THC.


Delta 8 THC Vape Dosing

A delta 8 Vape is an electronic cigarette that heats up a cartridge or pod of delta 8 distillate oil and turns it into an inhalable vapor. The dose for vaping is different than other ingestion methods because when you vape, you are inhaling the cannabinoids directly into your lungs. This provides almost instantaneous relief as the THC enters your bloodstream through your lungs.

Follow all the tips outlined for delta 8 edibles, plus:

Start With One Hit And Wait 15 Minutes Before Taking Another

Delta 8 vape oil is very potent and should be treated with caution. It’s best to start with one hit from your vape and wait 15 minutes before taking another. This will give you a chance to gauge how you’re feeling and decide if you need more or not.

If You Feel Nothing After The First Hit, Take Another

As with delta 8 edibles, if you don’t feel anything after the first hit, it’s ok to take another. Remember to start with small doses and increase gradually until you find the perfect dose for you.

Don’t Hold Your Breath After Inhaling

Don’t hold your breath for more than a second or two when you inhale delta 8 THC. This will increase the amount of THC that enters your bloodstream and could result in an intense high.

Inhale Slowly And Steadily

To get the most out of your delta 8 vape, inhale slowly and steadily. This will ensure you take a consistent dose of delta 8 THC with each hit.

Do Not Vape More Than Three Times In An Hour

Even if you don’t feel the effects of delta 8 THC after the first few hits, do not vape more than three times in an hour. The effects of delta 8 THC can take up to two hours to peak, so there is no need to overdo it.

Stop Vaping When You Feel The Effects

When you start to feel the effects of delta 8 THC, it’s time to put down your vape. Continuing to vape after you’ve reached your desired dose will not make the effects stronger, and it could result in an intense and uncomfortable high.

If Taking For Medication, Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations

If you’re taking delta 8 THC for medicinal purposes, follow your doctor’s recommendations. They will know how much delta 8 THC you should take based on your individual needs.


Recommended Dosage For Vaping

The best delta 8 vapes, such as our Hindu Kush and Dutch Treat, come with instructions on how much you should take. As a general rule of thumb, start with one hit, and wait 15-30 minutes before taking another. 

If you don’t feel the effects after the first hit, taking another is okay. Remember to start with small doses and increase gradually until you find the perfect dose for you.


How Long Does Delta 8 THC Take To Kick In?

Delta 8 highs usually kick in within 30-60 minutes when smoked or vaporized. When ingested, it can take up to two hours to feel the full effects.

The length of time it takes for delta 8 THC to take effect depends on how you consume it. Smoking or vaporizing delta 8 will give you almost instant results because the cannabinoids go directly to your lungs and then to your bloodstream.

When you ingest delta 8, it has to be metabolized by your liver before it enters your bloodstream. This process takes longer, which is why it can take up to two hours to feel the full effects when you eat or drink delta 8 THC. However, the delta 8 high lasts for up to six hours.


Watch this video to learn how to use delta 8 based on your unique needs.