Delta 8 vs. Full Spectrum CBD

Various delta 8 THC products from Delta Munchies lside by side on a multicolored patterned background.

Delta 8 THC and CBD are two of the most popular cannabinoids on the market right now and you might have some trouble choosing one over the other. As both have similar effects, it can be a little confusing to tell the difference, and adding the “full spectrum” term can make things even more complicated.

That’s why we’ve gathered some of the most common questions about these two cannabinoids and the “full spectrum” term. If you want to learn which cannabinoids are part of a full spectrum formula, which one works better for certain ailments, how they manage pain, and the overall analysis of both, this article is for you.

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Types of Full Spectrum CBD

Let’s start with the basics. Full spectrum is a term used when a hemp-based formula has multiple cannabinoids. This also means that the product is very rich in cannabinoids and terpenes, achieving what is called an “entourage effect.”

While a little bit of a fancy term, that means the cannabinoids have a natural synergy between them. To put it simply, this means CBD and other compounds’ effects are enhanced when they work together.

Full spectrum CBD can have different cannabinoids, including CBN, CBC, CBG, CBDa, and even CBDv. Let’s take a quick look at each of these cannabinoids to understand the full spectrum formula better.

Cannabinol (CBN)

Cannabinol, also known as CBN is one of the many naturally found cannabinoids in hemp. CBN is one of the few compounds that are formed when THC degrades due to external factors. These include heat, light, or even air exposure, which is why some people associate CBN with “old weed.”

This gives CBN a slight psychoactive effect. While pretty minor when compared to Delta 9 or its isomers like Delta 8, this effect gives wellness benefits to Cannabinol.

It can specifically help with muscle pain and general pain relief, as this study demonstrated with symptoms in animals. In the long run with more research, the hope is that this cannabinoid could support certain chronic pain conditions like Fibromyalgia.

Cannabichromene (CBC)

This is one of the major cannabinoids that is not often talked about. CBC or Cannabichromene is one of the most abundant compounds found in the hemp plant. Apart from its important role in the creation of CBDA and THCA, this cannabinoid has been found in full spectrum formulas.

While there is much to understand about this cannabinoid and its potential therapeutic effects, there is evidence it could be helpful to combat inflammation in mice according to this study, or even help as a major analgesic together with CBD, as this other study noted.

Cannabigerol (CBG)

CBG or cannabigerol is another compound found naturally in hemp, but to a minor degree. Like other full spectrum cannabinoids, they are less available naturally since they are harder to find, unlike CBD or THC.

Users and researchers have sometimes called CBG “the mother of all cannabinoids”. This is due to how CBG is found naturally in the hemp plant and eventually breaks down into the precursors of CBD and THC. Which in the bigger picture means that if CBG wasn’t in the plant, the major cannabinoids wouldn’t exist.

As with other hemp-derived compounds, CBG has the potential for pain and inflammation as a therapeutic aid. Studies like this one noted that CBD has analgesic properties that could potentially prevent metabolic-affecting diagnoses like obesity, and this study conducted on mice concluded that CBD could be helpful with colitis.

Cannabidiol Acid (CBDa)

This compound could be called CBD’s alter ego. CBDa or Cannabidiol Acid is one of the main phytocannabinoids in hemp plants. This compound is the precursor of CBD, converting into it when the acidic counterpart is exposed to heat.

This compound is not that common in products on the market today. But it’s still being researched for potential wellness properties.

More specifically, this review noted that CBDa could have strong wellness effects including stronger analgesic properties than CBD. This paper also noted it could help nausea in a study in rats, and even holds some anti-inflammatory.

Cannabidivarin (CBDv)

As you might have guessed by now, Cannabidivarin is a chemical found naturally in the hemp plant. Like CBD, it doesn’t have psychoactive components on its own. And it is actually what they call in chemistry a homolog of CBD, so basically one of the siblings that can be found in some full spectrum formulas.

There is interest in this compound as there might be evidence that makes certain nerve cells less active potentially mitigating swelling, seizures, and even pain. This paper noted this and its potential anti-epileptic activity thanks to how it works in our endocannabinoid system hand in hand with CBD. However, there is still much to understand and research for clinical treatment.


Delta 8 vs. CBD Difference

Now that we’ve covered what the full spectrum is, let’s deep dive into delta 8 and CBD. While both are present in the hemp plant, CBD is a major cannabinoid and can be commonly found in any strain or type of cannabis.

Delta 8 on the other hand has to be processed from CBD, as it is not as commonly found as its sibling delta 9 THC. Let’s have a quick look at some of their differences, including the THC content, the molecular structure, their similar effects, and their legal status.

THC Content

While CBD doesn’t contain THC, delta 8 THC has a specific type of this compound. As we mentioned above, Cannabidiol is a major cannabinoid that can be found in larger quantities naturally. The hemp plant contains about 20% CBD, while only containing about 1% of D8 THC.

Delta 8 is usually extracted in larger quantities from CBD, as it can be converted to delta 8 THC through a chemical process. So while the law classifies plants that have delta 9 THC as marijuana, delta 8 is still considered a hemp-derived cannabinoid thanks to its extraction process.

Molecular Structure

Now, it might be confusing that both delta 9 and delta 8 both have THC in their name. And this is because delta 8 THC is an analog of regular THC. They both have a similar structure and affinity to our cannabinoid receptors.

The difference between the two is that they have a double bond in their chemical structure. While delta 9 has it in the 9th carbon in their atom chain, delta 8 has it in the 8th. This difference does have consequences, making delta 8’s psychoactive effects much milder with fewer side effects.

Delta 8 and CBD may have Anti-anxiety, Pain-relieving, Anti-inflammatory, and Sleep-promoting Qualities

Both compounds, CBD and delta 8 are believed to have the potential for helping with anxiety, pain relief, inflammation, and aiding with sleep. However, CBD doesn’t bind to our cannabinoid receptors, but actually, works around them.

Hence, it has a slightly milder effect in all of these potential benefits than delta 8 THC. Also, has delta 8 fully binds to the proteins in these receptors, it has some of the benefits that users have reported from delta 9 THC, such as stronger relaxation, stimulating appetite, and even help with some symptoms of insomnia.

While both have an incredible potential to help with different ailments, the bottom line is that delta 8 works directly with the receptors and can be stronger.

CBD is Federally Legal in All 50 US states

This is important, as CBD is technically legal thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. This law allows for hemp-based products that are compliant with low THC content to be commercialized. As Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive component, hemp producers advocated for the use of this compound.

Delta 8 is Illegal in Several States

Now, this is where things get interesting. While some states like Hawaii have a complete ban on all hemp and cannabis-derived compounds, there are some states that regulate delta 8 and CBD as well, in terms of quantity.

Other states advise certain packaging or content restrictions, like Minnesota which has a limit for hemp-based cannabinoids in the state. So while federal law allows for the commercialization of all hemp-derived cannabinoids while complying with certain guidelines, you still need to check the regulation per state.

But don’t worry, most states are starting to turn for hemp-positive changes to their law. And of course, some states like Florida, Oregon, Nevada, and California have laxer laws when compared to Texas or Hawaii. If delta 8 is not available in your state, we recommend looking for CBD as it is legal in all states and protected so long as it complies with the 2018 Farm Bill.


What is Delta 8 THC Good For

Besides their psychoactive components, delta 8 has plenty of similar therapeutic effects to delta 9 THC. While there is still a lot to understand about these cannabinoids, there is anecdotal evidence of users that have tried full spectrum formulas.

Let’s check some of the professed benefits of delta 8 and how a full spectrum formula can also support these effects.

Improved Mood (with CBD and CBG)

Delta 8 THC on its own can be a potential ally to help relieve some of the symptoms of stress and anxiety. However, when mixed in with CBD and CBG, there could be a potential synergy for stronger relaxing effects.

CBD is believed to help to lower the intoxicating effects of delta 8, reducing the possibility of psychoactive effects. CBG on the other hand has strong relaxing and analgesic mechanisms, which create a great synergy with both CBD’s and delta 8’s effects of possibly relaxing your body (CBD) and mind (delta 8 THC).

Soothe Pain (with CBD)

While delta 8 has a huge potential of helping with pain relief and lowering inflammation thanks to how it reacts in our endocannabinoid system, CBD can amplify this potential.

To offer you a better understanding of how they can work together, this study from 2010 can help us. It studied the potential of delta 9 THC and CBD, which is similar enough to compare with d8 and its effects. The study noted that the patients that used the cannabidiol and delta 9 THC combination reported less overall pain.

With this information, we can infer that delta 8 and CBD can work together to intensify both compounds’ effects, especially when talking about pain relief.

Reduce Nausea (on its own or with THC)

There is mostly anecdotal information about CBD and nausea, however, there is a 2011 animal study that suggested these compounds could be helpful. As Cannabidiol helps with serotonin receptors, this hormone could affect alleviate the side effects of certain treatments like chemotherapy and in consequence help with nausea. Of course, more research needs to be conducted to confirm its effects on humans.

THC users have also reported feeling relief from nausea and similar symptoms when taking delta 8. And when taken together, the entourage effect can also be helpful to potentiate these effects.


Is Delta 8 Stronger than Full Spectrum CBD?

The short answer for this is yes, delta 8 THC can be stronger as it binds directly to the proteins in the receptors of the endocannabinoid system. However, the long answer is a little more complicated.

Full spectrum CBD can contain many different cannabinoids that have different effects and that potentiate each other’s effects. While delta 8 THC on its own is stronger, a full spectrum CBD formula could be helpful for specific ailments, like how CBG can help with nerve cells or how CBN can help restore sleep.

So the bottom line here is understanding why you want to take one or another. If you have a specific ailment you’d like to target or want to skip the intoxicating effects, the full spectrum formula might be a better choice.


Delta 8 vs. Full Spectrum CBD for Anxiety

This one is a little more complicated to answer. While a medical professional can make a proper recommendation,  CBD is generally used for milder anxiety symptoms. That’s because it has a subtle balancing and relaxing effect which can be better for less serious diagnoses.

Delta 8 on the other hand may be better for managing moderate anxiety in general. It can feel stronger with more noticeable effects, including the mild high it can produce. Hence why it can be better for stronger symptoms, as the high can be of help for some people to let their mind off some of the stressors. However, it should be noted that everyone reacts differently to cannabinoids based on a number of factors like body type and tolerance.


Delta 8 THC vs. Full Spectrum CBD for Sleep

While anecdotal evidence suggests that these compounds can be helpful on their own, we would recommend having them together instead of choosing one or another. Besides the synergy they achieve through the entourage effect, delta 8 has mildly sedating effects that when paired with Cannabidiol’s calming qualities can help you head to bed a lot more easily.


Full Spectrum Gummies vs. Delta 8

While both share similar effects, each cannabinoid can be used for different purposes. That’s why it is a little difficult to compare both, as it depends on which one is better for you and your health.

With that said, delta 8 gummies could be a better option if you seek a more potent option for your wellness regime. Of course, you should always start with small doses and start building it up as you start feeling the effects. This is called microdosing and makes the process of trying delta 8 products much safer, especially with gummies.

If you want to try something on the stronger side, we have several high-quality gummies for you at our store. Our Tropical Punch gummies are a classic gummy with a twist, with 3 different strengths to choose from. You can choose between 10, 20, and up to 30mg of our delicious delta 8 THC distillate in our 15-piece pack.

If you want something a little more discreet, our delta 8 Watermelon Runtz gummies are also great. They are smaller than the rings and come in either a 25-piece or 40-piece pack. Each gummy has 25mg of delta 8 THC, and these can be halved or cut in quarters to try in smaller doses. With a tangy and sweet flavor, these make for the perfect treat.


Where to Get Delta 8 THC Products

If you want a similar experience to smoking, maybe a discreet vape can help you. Our Dart XL line contains 2g of our premium D8 extract, with strain-specific terpenes that can blow your mind with flavor.

If you just want to relax, our Melonado 2G Dart XL vape is a perfect choice. With indica-specific terpenes, it is perfect to unwind with sweet melon and tropical notes. However, for something to keep you creative and productive, the Grape Runtz is a hybrid strain that’s almost like vaping a grape candy with soft spicey notes.

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Both are fully disposable devices that only need charging. They are discreet, ready to go, and the vapor, in general, dissipates in a few seconds, so don’t worry about getting a weird look for some on-the-go toking.